Ofsted Successes

Please click on the links below to view our Ofsted successes. 

Charnock Hall Primary Academy:

January 2020 – Good (Not previously inspected)

Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy:

January 2020 – From Inadequate to Good

Senior leaders, together with the Trust, make an excellent team.”

December 2018 – Monitoring Inspection

“The Trust’s support for the school is having a positive impact. Following the last inspection, the trust acted decisively.”

Birley Primary Academy:

November 2019 – Academy Continues to be Good

Leaders, supported by the Trust, organise exciting events linked to pupils’ learning.

“Leaders, including governors and the Trust, show great consideration for the well-being of everyone working in the school.

The Trust has introduced a programme which provides free advice and support to staff on a range of issues, including mental health.

The Trust has made plans for regional subject-specific networks to come together, led by subject experts, to provide subject-specific professional development.

Manor Farm Academy:

May 2019 – Good (Not previously inspected)

“The Trust provides the school with effective support and challenge.

The Academy Advisory Board works well with the Trust and makes good use of the regular quality assurance checks that the Trust carries out.

Edna G. Olds Academy:

March 2019 – From Good to Outstanding

“Trustees, together with members of the academy advisory board, work as a cohesive team to hold leaders effectively to account.

Trustees use comprehensive, quality-assurance systems to check the impact of leaders’ actions in improving the school’s performance.  They have a precise and accurate understanding of the quality of education that pupils receive and of the outcomes they achieve, particularly for disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.  Leaders appreciate the support and challenge provided by the Trust.

Trustees ensure that all statutory safeguarding duties are fulfilled, and leaders keep pupils safe in school.  Trustees make regular checks on the school’s safeguarding procedures, such as recruitment and vetting, and staff training.  They rigorously check that leaders are making timely referrals to external agencies and that they pursue the appropriate support for pupils at risk of harm.”

March 2018 – Academy Continues to be Good

The academy advisory board and the trust provide effective support. All involved with the school share the same vision of excellence.

Subject and middle leaders are very positive about the leadership training and opportunities you [the Headteacher] and the trust have provided.

An underlying ethos has been to develop staff’s strengths and share best practice by working collaboratively with colleagues in the school and other schools in the trust.

The trust regularly checks that safeguarding arrangements are effective. 

November 2013 – From Satisfactory to Good

“The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust has a secure overview of the school’s work and has supported the school effectively over the last two years, particularly in developing the skills of the leadership team.

Millfield L.E.A.D. Academy:

March 2019 – Second Good Judgement

The school works effectively with the Academy Trust to develop the quality of leadership and management.  Quality assurance reports provided by the Trust help governors to evaluate the impact of leaders’ actions.  Trust support in action planning has ensured that the school improvement plan is well focused, with termly targets that help governors to ensure the school remains on track to achieve its goals.

The school and the Trust have worked very well together.  As a team they have effectively overseen much change and development in the school.  The impact of their actions is very clear in the strengths that are evident in the leadership and management of the school and the outcomes achieved by the pupils.

October 2014 – From Special Measures to Good

“The Academy Trust has provided good support in helping leaders develop systems which enable them to check and improve the quality of teaching and learning.

July 2013 – Monitoring Visit

“Leadership of the academy has been strengthened.  The strong steer given by the headteacher has been reinforced by the vision and ethos of the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust and has raised staff expectations still further.

The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust has helped to restructure the leadership, strengthened the systems used for managing information about the academy’s performance and facilitated partnership work with other academies within the Trust.

The introduction of the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust systems and personnel for managing finances, health and safety, human resources and safeguarding has freed leaders to focus all of their time on improvement.

Uplands Junior L.E.A.D. Academy:

March 2019 – From Inadequate to Good

“The Trustees of the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust check that teaching and pupils’ outcomes are continuing to improve, and that all groups of pupils are learning well.

Through the Trust, the Headteacher identified a highly effective teacher who visited the school to model the best practice in the teaching of reading.

Leaders spend the pupil premium well and produce good reports to the Trust to show the impact of the additional funding on teaching and learning.  This allows the Trust to hold leaders to account and to check that the progress of disadvantaged pupils is strong.

The Trust has provided high-quality and effective support to the school and its leadership.  After a period of staffing turbulence, they helped the Headteacher to quickly secure a stable team of capable teachers.  They have given useful guidance to leaders to help them ensure that teachers both plan and deliver teaching that meets the needs of pupils.  They hold leaders to account by asking them challenging questions about the education that pupils receive, and they check that the actions leaders are taking are effective.”

Windmill L.E.A.D. Academy:

February 2019 – Second Good Judgement

Members of the academy advisory board and the academy trust provide challenge for leaders to improve their systems further.”

January 2015 – From Special Measures to Good

“The leadership provided by the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust, executive headteacher and the current headteacher has resulted in a transformation in the quality of education at the academy.

Since the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust took over the predecessor school it has been transformed and is now a good, effective institution.  The early work from trust staff, the new governing body and the executive headteacher rapidly addressed areas of concern.

Training across the Academy Trust has enabled good practice in other schools to be shared with staff.

The Academy Trust has had a positive impact on the school’s success.

November 2012 – Monitoring Visit

“The school has fostered strong links with other local schools within the Academy Trust.

Hogarth Academy:

January 2019 – Second Good Judgement

“There are regular opportunities to work with colleagues in the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust, of which you are a member, and this helps you to compare the performance of Hogarth Academy to that of other schools, both locally and nationally.

The trust’s detailed quality assurance reports also show the positive impact your actions are having in addressing the school’s priorities for improvement.

May 2015 – From Requires Improvement to Good

“Since the academy opened, its leaders, including governors, have made significant improvements in teaching and achievement, which are now consistently good.

The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust board took prompt and necessary action to improve teaching and standards at the academy soon after it opened.  The Trust brought in an executive headteacher to provide support and to give clear direction.

The Executive Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher have continued the drive for improvement and staff have responded well and one wrote, “I have learnt so much over the last year and I am proud to be a part of this school.  This academic year has been the best ever and the headteacher is amazing.”  Another wrote, “The school has come so far it is almost unrecognisable”.

“The academy has demonstrated excellent joint working with other local schools as part of the academy trust’s training and support programme.  This cooperative working has been a key factor in the academy’s improvement through the sharing of good practice.

The governing body works closely with the Trust Board and has improved it effectiveness.

Parents who inspectors spoke to during the inspection were unanimously positive about the academy and the progress it has made. One parent said, “A year ago we were thinking of removing our children from the school now we would fight to keep them here. It’s a very different place and the children now love it”.

Noel-Baker Academy:

December 2018 – Monitoring Inspection

“Many subject leaders benefit from leadership coaching provided through the trust.

Trust officers systematically montior the actions undertaken to bring about improvements, as detailed in the improvement plan.

Trust leaders have provided school leadership support focused on increasing the capacity for improvment, strategic planning and monitoring school improvement. “

Sycamore Academy:

November 2018 – Third Good Judgement

“The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust provides strong challenge and support to the leadership team and supports the members of the Academy Advisory Body to gain a greater understanding of how the school needs to improve…the support that has been received from the academy trust, has enabled leaders to raise standards and increase the progress that pupils make across many subjects.

November 2014 – Second Good Judgement

The Academy Trust has provided the academy with good support, for example in developing subject leadership and effective approaches to assessment and systems for financial management.

Leaders have made good use of the expertise available through the Academy Trust, for example, to help develop teaching and learning, and to improve the reliability of teachers’ assessments.

Radford Academy:

October 2017 – From Requires Improvement to Good

“The academy trust and the governing body provide valuable support.  The role of the academy trust has been pivotal in improving the school.

The academy trust is highly effective.  Trustees have an accurate view of the effectiveness of the school’s work.  They challenge the school’s leaders about their effectiveness and target any support they may need.  Leaders work closely with other schools, both within the academy trust and through other partnerships.

The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust ensures that governance of the school is strong.  Trustees and governors have an accurate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school.  Academy trust representatives routinely and thoroughly check on the effectiveness of the school’s work.  Trust representatives provide high-quality support for leaders to improve their effectiveness.  They also hold leaders to account for improving the school.

Bishop Alexander L.E.A.D. Academy:

January 2017 – From Requires Improvement to Good

“The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust supports the school well.

The trust holds school leaders to account.

The trust provides a range of professional support and development for leaders and staff, which is valued and appreciated.  This is leading to increased staff confidence.  The trust undertakes the headteacher’s performance management effectively and ensures that the performance of all other staff in the school is managed suitably.

The trust ensures that the local governing body has the knowledge and expertise to fulfil its responsibilities well.

Glapton Academy:

September 2016 – Second Good Judgement

Leaders, governors and the academy trust know the school well and know what needs to be improved.

…the director of schools (LEAD Academy Trust), share your [Headteacher’s] evaluation and are equally committed to securing the necessary improvements.  “

St. Ann’s Well Academy:

June 2014 – Second Good Judgement

The Trust has made a very strong impact on improving the quality of leadership in the academy.

The Trust has provided a range of other effective support for the academy.  For example, leaders from the Trust have supported staff in developing their skills to check that pupils’ work is being assessed accurately.  Staff have also been able to visit other academies in the Trust, recognised for their outstanding teaching practice, to pick up new ideas.

Leaders, in conjunction with the Trust, have developed very effective and detailed systems to track the academic progress made by different groups of pupils.

Warren Primary Academy:

January 2013 – From Good to Outstanding

Huntingdon Academy:

January 2011 – Second Outstanding