Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy Transforms from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’

31st January 2020

A recent Ofsted inspection has praised Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy and concluded that the academy is ‘good’.

Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy transforms from ‘inadeqaute’ to ‘Good’.

A recent Ofsted inspection has praised Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy for its school-wide ethos and the positive attitudes of pupils. They concluded that the academy provides a ‘good’ standard of education for all.

Following a period of improvement, the academy has successfully movef from a rating of ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’. Ofsted applauded Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy’s environment in which “Pupils from all backgrounds and abilities are welcomed with open arms.” The inspection team highlighted the fact that pupils enjoy their learning at the school and thrive under the teaching of dedicated members of staff.

The January 2020 Ofsted visit identifies the fact that the academy has undergone a significant period of improvement to secure the positive judgement; an improvement felt by all, “Pupils know their school has improved greatly”. It also outlines the positive relationships between pupils and staff and how this allows for the development of confident learners. The report states that “Leaders want the absolute best for all pupils” and comments on the academy’s ethos in which teachers understand that there is no limit to what their pupils can achieve.

The report focuses heavily on the enjoyment of all, stating that, “Pupils bounce into classrooms with smiles on their faces” and the fact that “they can’t wait to get into lessons and learn new things”. The inspection placed emphasis on pupils’ reading and phonics and the report identifies school leaders’ understanding of the importance of this topic.

Headteacher, Nicola McIntyre, commented, “This is a report that the school can be rightly proud of! In the seven terms that I have been Headteacher of Jubilee I have made it my mission to ensure that the school is a good school for the community of Bilborough.  The transformation of Jubilee in such a short space of time would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of a very strong staff team. The children at Jubilee are the centre of our world and the report reflects this. It is an honour and privilege to lead this school.”

The report also commended on the support that we provide and the collaborative relationship that has been forged, “Senior leaders, together with the trust, make an excellent team. They have transformed the school since the previous inspection”.